Two Sunsets - One Message
This is the wrap up session for the first new mission from Beyond The Launchpad. There were a lot of photographs taken on my voyage across the atolls of the Maldives - and the first of two images here is from my penultimate evening there. A magnificent skyline at the end of the day. This was something I attempted to see every day I was there. It was never the same, despite being in the same place. Yet nothing changed - how can you improve on brilliant? I came home on 10/04/2010. Days have passed. And it came to pass that a Volcano should erupt in Iceland. The skies became deserted and the evening was promising a 'lavender Skyline'. I returned home as quickly as possible to make good the opportunity to photograph a skyline here in the UK. My second picture shows the fall of night here at SafeHaven . It's been over a year now that I have been based here and the magnificent view is a good reason I think for it. So, what have I gained from this journey? A reacquired taste for ...