Life on Maldives 2 - the struggle for survival
Whilst on the Dawn Patrol this morning I came across another of the diverse land-based lifeforms which frequent the island. This little Lizard had the good nature of pausing to allow me to photograph it and hence the inclusion here. These little beasties come in various sizes but nothing to the size of their ancestory, namely Dinosaur, scale. They are keeping the insect population here in check. Did I mention there are Insects? So far nothing to report of any menacing size or threat capability, but they are organised savengers, picking off carcases (a lot feeding on dead Crabs and the like). Some of the Soldier Ants could pose a significant threat if they were exposed to altering Radiotherapy treatment...
I hope to post another Life on Maldives entry before departure, hopefully including Previous trip favourite (but extremely elusive on this trip!) 'Gordon' Gekko and the Fruit bat in flight. A day or so to go, weather update: some stormy weather last night (crossed from Male to my hideout in an electrical storm: thankfully no power outage...) but nothing to photograph alas. Today clear skies again!