Water is Life!
(which might explain WHY I stay on the Islands.)
This time, with no Frodo in sight to drag me back to safety I did not sink and enjoyed the view of the Stars and Planets whilst floating on my back, including one particular Planet called MARS which just so happens to be in the sky to the West of here. If any Martians were looking on I'm sure they got enough information to stall any further invasion plans from their observation my heroic efforts in the sea - but as you all know from your classical education and (in the case perhaps of one or two of you) from the study of the specimen in the Natural History Museum, Martians are effectively Octopus, with big luminous disc-like eyes, so perhaps they might be more efficient in our seas and at Nighttime...
Just some off the cuff thoughts for you all on Easter Sunday... Our temperature here today was around 30 degrees centigrade and we had good skies.